Payment Service Providers

Upay integrates multiple payment tenders, such as Alipay, Wechat Pay including China mainland, Hong Kong and other global countries and areas. Please confirm with Upay technical support team for the payment tenders to be added.

payway payway_name note
1 支付宝1.0 / Alipay-Local representing Alipay(Alipay-Local represents Overseas local Alipay wallet , else displays 支付宝1.0)
3 微信 representing Wechat pay
4 百度钱包 representing Baidu Wallet
5 京东钱包 representing JD wallet
6 qq钱包 representing qq wallet
7 NFC支付 representing NFC
8 拉卡拉钱包 representing Lakala wallet
9 和包支付 representing China Mobile Wallet
15 拉卡拉微信 representing Lakala wechat payment
16 招商银行 representing China Merchants Bank
17 银联二维码 representing UnionPay
18 翼支付 representing China Telecom Wallet
19 Weixin-Local Oversea Wechat wallet displays Weixin-Local
20 Alipay global
23 数字人民币 representing Digital Yuan in China
100 储值支付 representing Stored-value-card payment

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