API Target
Request Paramters
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
Required |
Note |
Example |
terminal_sn |
Terminal serial number |
String(32) |
Y |
Represents a unique identifier of a Upay terminal; returned in responses for requesting activation or check-in; number string no longer than 32 characters. |
"00101010029201012912" |
sn |
Upay order serial number |
String(16) |
N |
Unique order serial number in Upay system |
"7892259488292938" |
client_sn |
Order serial number in client system |
String(32) |
N |
Must be unique in client system; no longer than 32 characters. |
"18348290098298292838" |
refund_request_no |
Refund request number |
String(20) |
Y |
Used to prevent duplicate refund requests |
"23030349" |
operator |
Operator of the transaction |
String(32) |
Y |
No longer than 32 characters |
"Obama" |
refund_amount |
Refund amount |
String(10) |
Y |
Should be less or equal to the total amount of the order |
"100" |
extended |
Extended paramters |
JSON object |
N |
Special parameters that will be passed along to payment providers by Upay server. 24 fields at most, with keys no longer than 64 characters and values no longer than 256 characters. |
{ "goods_tag": "beijing"} |
goods_details |
Description of the goods |
N |
The value of goods_details is Array,each element contains five fields,including goods_id,goods_name,quantity,price,promotion_type,respectively represent the serial number of goods,the name of the goods,the number of the goods,commodity price,preferential type |
"goods_details": [{"goods_id": "wx001","goods_name": "mac pro","quantity": 1,"price": 2,"promotion_type": 0},{"goods_id": "wx002","goods_name":"tesla","quantity": 1,"price": 2,"promotion_type": 1}] |
Note: Either sn
or client_sn
must be presented in the request, otherwise the request is invalid; if both are presented, sn
will be used to identify the order.
Description of goods_details in request parameters
Parameter |
Data Type |
Length |
Required |
Description |
Example |
goods_id |
String |
32 |
Y |
The serial number of goods |
goods_name |
String |
32 |
Y |
The name of the goods |
"ipad" |
quantity |
Number |
10 |
Y |
the number of the goods |
10 |
price |
Number |
9 |
Y |
commodity price in cents |
2000 |
promotion_type |
Number |
1 |
Y |
preferential type,0 represents no discount,1 represents institution discount and will send the information to the payment institution |
Response Paramters
All following parameters refer to the fields in biz_response
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
Required |
Note |
Example |
result_code |
Request result code |
String |
Y |
Result code of business response |
error_code |
Error code of business response |
String |
N |
See "Business Response Error Codes and Messages" |
error_message |
Error message of business response |
String |
N |
See "Business Response Error Codes and Messages" |
"商户余额不足" |
terminal_sn |
Terminal serial number of the transaction |
String(32) |
Y |
Used by Upay to identify a unique terminal |
"01939202039923029" |
sn |
Upay order serial number |
String(16) |
Y |
Unique order serial number in Upay system |
"7892259488292938" |
client_sn |
Order serial number in client system |
String(32) |
Y |
Used by client to identify its own order |
"7654321132" |
client_tsn |
Refund transaction serial number |
String(53) |
Y |
Indicates the most current transaction of this order. It is basically client_sn + '-' + refund_request_no |
"7654321132-123" |
trade_no |
Order number in payment service provider system |
String(64) |
Y |
Used by payment service provider to identify its own order |
"2013112011001004330000121536" |
status |
The latest transaction status |
String(32) |
Y |
order_status |
The latest order status |
String(32) |
Y |
"PAID" |
payway |
Payment service provider |
String(32) |
Y |
Appendix-Payment Service Providers |
"3" |
payway_name |
Payment service provider name |
String(128) |
Y |
"微信" |
total_amount |
Total amount of the order in cents |
String(10) |
Y |
"10000" |
net_amount |
Net amount of the order (the actual amount seller receives) in cents |
String(10) |
Y |
Equals to total amount if the order has not been refunded, otherwise equals to total amount - refund amount |
"0" |
subject |
Subject or brief summary of the transaction |
String(64) |
Y |
"Pizza" |
finish_time |
Transaction finish time in Upay system |
String(13) |
Y |
Unix Timestamp in milliseconds |
"1449646835244" |
channel_finish_time |
Transaction finish time in payment service provider's system |
String(13) |
Y |
Unix Timestamp in milliseconds |
"1449646835244" |
operator |
Operator of the transaction |
String(32) |
Y |
"Peter" |
Response Example - Success
"result_code": "200",
"biz_response": {
"result_code": "REFUND_SUCCESS",
"data": {
"sn": "7894259244067218",
"client_sn": "12345677767776",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"payway": "3",
"payway_name": "微信",
"sub_payway": "1",
"order_status": "REFUNDED",
"trade_no": "2006101016201512080095793262",
"total_amount": "1",
"net_amount": "0",
"finish_time": "1449563206776",
"channel_finish_time": "1449563206632"
Response Example - Failed
"result_code": "200",
"biz_response": {
"result_code": "FAIL",
"error_message": "订单已全额退款,可退金额不足"
Questions & Answers
1.How long can submit a refund request after the payment?
Within 3 months after the order completes successfully.