
API Target


Request Paramters

Parameter Description Data Type Required Note Example
terminal_sn Terminal serial number String(32) Y Represents a unique identifier of a Upay terminal; returned in responses for requesting activation or check-in; number string no longer than 32 characters. "00101010029201012912"
client_sn* Order serial number in client system String(32) Y Must be unique in client system; no longer than 32 characters. "18348290098298292838"
total_amount Total amount of the order in cents String(10) Y Number string no longer than 10 characters; please use bank transfer for larger amount. "1000"
payway Payment service provider String N Number string; if present, Upay server will not use dynamic_id to decide payment service provider "1"
dynamic_id Content of the payment barcode String(32) Y No longer than 32 characters "130818341921441147"
subject Subject or brief summary of the transaction String(64) Y Generally, merchant would give the brand name or store name to this feild "H&M"
operator Operator of the transaction String(32) Y No longer than 32 characters "Obama"
description Detailed description of the transaction String(255) N No longer than 255 characters "Chicago style pizza, extra cheese"
longitude Longitude of the transaction location String N Must be used simultaneously with latitude "121.615459404"
latitude Latitude of the transaction location String N Must be used simultaneously with longitude "31.4056441552"
device_id Terminal device's unique identifier String(32) N No longer than 32 characters Such as IMEI of an Android device or indentifierForVendor of an iOS device
extended Extended paramters JSON object N Special parameters that will be passed along to payment providers by Upay server. 24 fields at most, with keys no longer than 64 characters and values no longer than 256 characters. { "goods_tag": "beijing"}
goods_details Description of the goods JSON N The value of goods_details is Array,each element contains five fields,including goods_id,goods_name,quantity,price,promotion_type,respectively represent the serial number of goods,the name of the goods,the number of the goods,commodity price,preferential type "goods_details": [{"goods_id": "wx001","goods_name": "mac pro","quantity": 1,"price": 2,"promotion_type": 0},{"goods_id": "wx002","goods_name":"tesla","quantity": 1,"price": 2,"promotion_type": 1}]
reflect Reflect parameter String(64) N Anything that the client wants Upay server to send back. Can be used by client's ERP system to relate to its own order or to integrate with any additional business process. { "tips": "200" }
notify_url Callback URL String(128) N If provided, Upay server will also send payment result to the callback URL
*: client_sn must be unique in the client system. If a payment transaction fails in first attempt, the retry should be seen as a new transaction and be submitted with a new client_sn. Otherwise Upay system will report error due to duplicated client_sn.

Description of goods_details in request parameters

Parameter Data Type Length Required Description Example
goods_id String 32 Y The serial number of goods
goods_name String 32 Y The name of the goods "ipad"
quantity Number 10 Y The number of the goods 10
price Number 9 Y Commodity price in cents 2000
promotion_type Number 1 Y Preferential type,0 represents no discount,1 represents institution discount and will send the information to the payment institution

Response Parameters

All following parameters refer to the fields in biz_response

Parameter Description Data Type Required Note Example
result_code Request result code String Y Result code of business response "PAY_SUCCESS"
error_code Error code of business response String N See "Business Response Error Codes and Messages" "INVALID_BARCODE"
error_message Error message of business response String N See "Business Response Error Codes and Messages" "不合法的支付条码"
terminal_sn Terminal serial number of the transaction String(32) Y Used by Upay to identify a unique terminal "01939202039923029"
sn Upay order serial number String(16) Y Unique order serial number in Upay system "7892259488292938"
client_sn Order serial number in client system String(32) Y Used by client to identify its own order "7654321132"
trade_no Order number in payment service provider system String(64) Y Used by payment service provider to identify its own order "2013112011001004330000121536"
status The latest transaction status String(32) Y "SUCCESS"
order_status The latest order status String(32) Y "PAID"
payway Payment service provider String(2) Y Appendix-Payment Service Providers "1"
payway_name Payment service name String(128) Y "支付宝"
sub_payway Payment method String(2) Y Appendix-Payment Methods "1"
payer_uid The payer's user ID in payment service provider system String(64) N "2801003920293239230239"
payer_login The payer's login account in payment service provider system String(128) N "134**3920"
total_amount Total amount of the order in cents String(10) Y "10000"
net_amount Net amount of the order (the actual amount seller receives) in cents String(10) Y Equals to total amount if the order has not been refunded, otherwise equals to total amount - refund amount "0"
subject Subject or brief summary of the transaction String(64) Y "Pizza"
finish_time Transaction finish time in Upay system String(13) Y Unix Timestamp in milliseconds "1449646835244"
channel_finish_time Transaction finish time in payment service provider's system String(13) Y Unix Timestamp in milliseconds "1449646835244"
operator Operator of the transaction String(32) Y "Peter"
reflect Anything that the client sent in reflect field of the request String(64) N {"tips": "200"}
payment_list Preferential information JSON N value of 'payment_list' is array,each elements includes 2 fields, 'type' as preferential name , amount_total as preferential amount "payment_list": [{"type": "BANKCARD_DEBIT","amount_total": "1"},{"type": "DISCOUNT_CHANNEL_MCH","amount_total": "100"}]

Details of payment_list

type description properties chinese description in receipt
HONGBAO_WOSAI Red packet from Wosai From Trading platform 平台优惠
HONGBAO_WOSAI_MCH Red packet from Wosai’s merchant From Merchant 商家优惠
DISCOUNT_WOSAI Discount from Wosai From Trading platform 平台优惠
DISCOUNT_WOSAI_MCH Discount from Wosai’s merchant From Merchant 商家优惠
DISCOUNT_CHANNEL Discount from Alipay or Wechat pay or others From Trading platform 平台优惠
DISCOUNT_CHANNEL_MCH Discount from merchant, not need to top up From Merchant 商家优惠
DISCOUNT_CHANNEL_MCH_TOP_UP Discount from merchant, need to top up From Trading platform 平台优惠
HONGBAO_CHANNEL Red packet from Alipay or Wechat pay or others From Trading platform 平台优惠
HONGBAO_CHANNEL_MCH Red packet from merchant through Alipay or Wechat pay or others, not need to top up From Merchant 商家优惠
HONGBAO_CHANNEL_MCH_TOP_UP Red packet from merchant through Alipay or Wechat pay or others, need to top up From Trading platform 平台优惠
CARD_PRE 支付通道商户预付卡 N/A N/A
CARD_BALANCE 支付通道商户储值卡 N/A N/A
WALLET_ALIPAY Balance of Alipay N/A N/A
WALLET_WEIXIN Wallet of Wechat Pay

Response Example - Success

       "result_code": "200",
       "biz_response": {
         "result_code": "PAY_SUCCESS",
         "data": {
           "sn": "7893259247405832",
           "client_sn": "w145206259311176",
           "client_tsn": "w145206259311176",
           "ctime": "1492506701411",
           "status": "SUCCESS",
           "payway": "3",
           "sub_payway": "1",
           "order_status": "PAID",
           "payer_login": "oyBevtwYm70JVPTFyGlvmKW3IO9U",
           "payer_uid": "oSTAxt7Rkjr7Jtk0vtf-cFWiHjcs",
           "trade_no": "4003262001201704187463804544",
           "total_amount": "101",
           "net_amount": "101",
           "finish_time": "1492506702864",
           "channel_finish_time": "1492506702000",
           "subject": "Apple iPhone 6s plus (A1699) 16G 玫瑰金色 移动联通电信4G手机",
           "store_id": "100ed809-af9a-11e5-9ec3-00163e00625b",
           "operator": "test",
           "payment_list": [
               "type": "BANKCARD_DEBIT",
               "amount_total": "1"
               "type": "DISCOUNT_CHANNEL_MCH",
               "amount_total": "100"

Response Example - In progress

        "result_code": "200",
        "biz_response": {
            "result_code": "PAY_IN_PROGRESS",
            "data": {
                "sn": "789200393929142",
                "client_sn": "230202l2-2-2002",
                "trade_no": "0019101002020384822248",
                "ctime": "2015-11-01 18:01:00",
                "status": "IN_PROG",
                "order_status": "CREATED",
                "total_amount ": "1000"

Response Example - Pay Failed

        "result_code": "200",
        "biz_response": {
            "result_code": "PAY_FAIL",
            "error_code": "EXPIRED_BARCODE",
            "error_message": "过期的支付条码",
            "data": {
                "sn": "7894259244067344",
                "client_sn": "12345677767776",
                "status": "FAIL_CANCELED",
                "payway": "3",
                "sub_payway": "1",
                "order_status": "PAY_CANCELED",
                "total_amount": "1",
                "net_amount": "1",
                "finish_time": "1449569494595"

Response Example - Failed

    "result_code": "400",
    "error_code": "INVALID_PARAMS",
    "error_message": "total_amount金额为整数,长度不超过10位,以分为单位"

Client Pseudo-code Example

Sub pay(request, timeout):
    response = POST (pay_url, request)
  Except NetworkConnectError ex:
    raise ("Network error", ex)
  Except NetworkIOError ex:
    return poll (request.client_sn, timeout)
  biz_response = response.biz_response
  if biz_response.result_code == "PAY_SUCCESS":
    return ("Payment received", response)
  elif biz_response.result_code == "PAY_FAIL":
    return ("Payment failed and refunded, please retry", response)
  elif biz_response.result_code == "PAY_FAIL_ERROR":
    raise ("Payment error, please contact Upay customer service", response)
  elif biz_response.result_code == "FAIL":
    raise ("Payment failed and no transaction was made", response)
    return poll(request.client_sn, timeout)

Sub poll(client_sn, remaining_time):
  if remaining_time < 0:
      response = POST(cancel_url, client_sn)
    Except NetworkError ex:
      raise "Order cancellation failed due to network error, please contact Upay customer service", ex
    result_code = response.biz_response.result_code
    error_code = response.biz_response.error_code
    if result_code == "CANCEL_SUCCESS" or 
       result_code == "CANCEL_ABORT_SUCCESS":
      return ("Order expired and has been canceled", response)
    elif result_code == "FAIL" and error_code == "UPAY_ORDER_NOT_EXISTS":
      return ("Order expired and does not require cancellcation", response)
      raise ("Order cancellation error, please contact Upay customer service", response)
      response = POST(query_url, client_sn)
    Except NetworkError ex:
      return poll(client_sn, remaining_time – stopwatch.reading())
    biz_response = response.biz_response
    if biz_response.result_code == "FAIL" and
       biz_response.error_code == "UPAY_ORDER_NOT_EXISTS":
      return ("Order payment failed and does not require cancellcation", response)
    elif biz_response.result_code == "SUCCESS":
      if == "CREATED":
        return poll(client_sn, remaining_time – stopwatch.reading())
      elif == "PAID":
        return ("Payment received", response)
      elif == "PAY_CANCELED":
        return ("Payment failed and refunded, please retry", response)
      elif == "PAY_ERROR":
        return ("Payment error, please contact Upay customer service", response)

Sub handle_response_error(response):
  if response.result_code == "400":
    raise ("Please contact terminal manufacturer", response.error_message)
  elif response.result_code == "500":
    raise ("Payment error, please contact Upay customer service", response.error_message)

Questions & Answers

1.It will prompt timeout if there is no password to enter after the query time, then the terminal needs to issue a new payment to retry. Please consult technical support team for this best practice.

2. If you don't get the final order status of a successful payment(check it with order_status), then use query to get it.

There are the final status of each transaction:

  • PAID

3.Suggest to add a query button in error message to manually process unilateral orders situation.

If consumers pay successfully, but the terminal display a failed payment or unclear status. Then it is suggested that to add Query button(to use Query interface to obtain the order status from Upay), then cashier can manually click the button to re-check the order status. If it is still not responded, then cashier needs to contact to WOSAI customer service.

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