Business Processes

To make sure your services or client application works properly with Upay Web API, the following types of business processes need to be implemented:

  1. Terminal activation (once per terminal)
  2. Terminal check-in (optional,suggested)
  3. Transactions

Terminal Activation

Each Upay terminal needs to be activated before any transaction takes place. The terminal will get terminal_sn and terminal_key in successful activation response. The terminal is also responsible for saving and managing the terminal_sn and terminal_key which will be used for signing every transaction request.

Every terminal only needs to be activated once and only once.

Terminal Check-in

terminal_sn and terminal_key are like username and password to your terminal. To keep your terminals and transactions safe, we recommend terminal_keys be updated on daily basis. Developers may select any time during the day to perform the check-in. But keep in mind that after each check-in, only current and last terminal_keys are valid.


Upay Web API supports the following transactions:

  • Pay: When a cashier uses Upay terminal to scan a customer's payment barcode; Upay will automatically figure out the payment service provider from the barcode.

  • Refund: Issue an order refund based on order serial number; Upay supports multiple refunds of a single order.

  • Revoke: Orders can be revoked within the day it is created.This API is not suggested to adopt.

  • Query: Get the latest order status information by submitting either your or Upay's order serial number.

  • Pre-create: Terminal (such as Website, vending machine, etc.) pre-creates the order with Upay terminal and show customer the QR code; customer scans the QR code with payment app to finish the transaction. Note: Upay Web API only returns the QR code value and URL; your service or client app is responsible for generating the QR code picture from the value or displaying the image using the URL.

Transaction Sequence Diagrams





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