
To avoid business conflict, if the client cannot get successful payment result or any response from Upay, it should send a cancel request to Upay to cancel the failed order.

API Target


Request Paramters

Parameter Description Data Type Required Note Example
terminal_sn Terminal serial number String(32) Y Represents a unique identifier of a Upay terminal; returned in responses for requesting activation or check-in; number string no longer than 32 characters. "00101010029201012912"
sn Upay order serial number String(16) N Unique order serial number in Upay system "7892259488292938"
client_sn Order serial number in client system String(32) N Must be unique in client system; no longer than 32 characters. "18348290098298292838"
Note: Either sn or client_sn must be presented in the request, otherwise the request is invalid; if both are presented, sn will be used to identify the order.

Response Paramters

All following parameters refer to the fields in biz_response

Parameter Description Data Type Required Note Example
result_code Request result code String Y Result code of business response "CANCEL_SUCCESS"
error_code Error code of business response String N See "Business Response Error Codes and Messages" "UPAY_TCP_ORDER_NOT_REFUNDABLE"
error_message Error message of business response String N See "Business Response Error Codes and Messages" "订单7894259244061958参与了活动并且无法撤销"
terminal_sn Terminal serial number of the transaction String(32) Y Used by Upay to identify a unique terminal "01939202039923029"
sn Upay order serial number String(16) Y Unique order serial number in Upay system "7892259488292938"
client_sn Order serial number in client system String(32) Y Used by client to identify its own order "7654321132"
trade_no Order number in payment service provider system String(64) Y Used by payment service provider to identify its own order "2013112011001004330000121536"
status The latest transaction status String(32) Y "SUCCESS"
order_status The latest order status String(32) Y "PAID"
payway Payment service provider String(32) Y Appendix-Payment Service Providers "3"
payway_name Payment service provider name String(128) Y "微信"
total_amount Total amount of the order in cents String(10) Y "10000"
net_amount Net amount of the order (the actual amount seller receives) in cents String(10) Y Equals to total amount if the order has not been refunded, otherwise equals to total amount - refund amount "0"
subject Subject or brief summary of the transaction String(64) Y "Pizza"
finish_time Transaction finish time in Upay system String(13) Y Unix Timestamp in milliseconds "1449646835244"
channel_finish_time Transaction finish time in payment service provider's system String(13) Y Unix Timestamp in milliseconds "1449646835244"
operator Operator of the transaction String(32) Y "Peter"

Response Example - Success

        "result_code": "200",
        "biz_response": {
            "result_code": "CANCEL_SUCCESS",
            "data": {
                "sn": "7894259244064831",
                "client_sn": "22345677767776",
                "status": "SUCCESS",
                "payway": "3",
        "payway_name": "微信",
                "sub_payway": "1",
                "order_status": "CANCELED",
                "total_amount": "1",
                "net_amount": "0",
                "finish_time": "1450090828489",
                "subject": "wx",
                "store_id": "49"

Response Example - Failed

    "result_code": "200",
    "biz_response": {
        "result_code": "CANCEL_ERROR",
        "error_code": "UPAY_TCP_ORDER_NOT_REFUNDABLE",
        "error_message": "订单7894259244061958参与了活动并且无法撤销"

Questions & Answers

1. when to call cancel?

cancel is used for unilateral orders, when the order status is unclear, in order to avoid chaos, it is needed to call cancel to cancel the order.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""