


An abstract concept representing an activated entity (usually a software or service instance) that is responsible of making Upay transactions.

The software or service can run on any number of desktop computers, special equipments (like POS terminals or vending machines), mobile devices or web servers. Once activated, each instance is counted as a unique terminal.

terminal serial number

Terminal identifier in Upay's system. It should be stored on the terminal and used to declare the terminal's identity during each transaction. Each terminal device is assigned a unique serial number once it's activated.

terminal key

A dynamically generated string to be stored on each terminal. A terminal needs to sign all its transaction requests with its key. The key is acquired by terminal activation, and later by terminal check-in.

The terminal is responsible for keeping its key safe from theft or being tampered with. A general strategy is to encrypt the key (using a hardware key such as disk fingerprint), store the encrypted key locally, and perform a check-in to refresh the key periodically.



Any party responsible for developing and maintaining the software or services that utilizes Upay payment service, such as POS manufacturers, retail system providers and app makers.

Payment Service Provider

payment service provider

The organization which provides (mobile) payment service such as issuing a fund transfer or credit card transaction. Several examples in China are: Wechat, Alipay, QQ Wallet, etc.

Payment Method

payment method

A method to make a payment supported by the payment service provider. All major providers in China support Pay and Pre-create.


A transaction authorized by a customer's mobile payment barcode. A typical pay transaction takes at least the following steps:

  1. Customer opens the payment app on his/her mobile device, and acquires a pay barcode.
  2. Customer shows the barcode to cashier; cashier reads the barcode by using a scanner or other methods.
  3. Cashier's transaction system sends the barcode, order information (such as order serial number and pay amount), along with other required information to the service provider.
  4. The service provider processes the transaction and send result to both customer and cashier's transaction system.


A transaction method that creates an order to be paid and corresponding payment QR code. Customer pays the order by scanning the QR code. A typical pre-create transaction follows these steps:

  1. Cashier's transaction system initiates a pre-create transaction request to payment service provider.
  2. Payment service provider creates the order to be paid, and sends back the payment link (QR code value).
  3. Cashier's transaction system displays the QR code image generated from the payment link.
  4. Customer scans the QR code image using the payment app of that payment service provider and pay for the order.
  5. The service provider processes the transaction and send result to both customer and cashier's transaction system.

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