Upay WAP API (In-App Web-based Payment)

For clients interested in developing mobile shopping websites, Upay provides a special WAP API to help them building mobile payment solutions within web browsers in apps such as Wechat and Alipay.

Payment Scenario

  • A customer visits your mobile website with a built-in web browser in a mobile payment app, such as Wechat;
  • The customer initiate a payment (such as by clicking a pay button on your website), and the mobile payment client app will pop up a confirmation to ask for payment authorization;
  • The customer confirm the payment (a password may be required), and your website will display the payment result to the customer.

Before Integration

Before starting your integration process, please contact our sales representatives and technical support for implementation suggestions and provide your business information to apply for a set of vendor and merchant accounts for development and testing. The Wechat related information you provide must match those of your Wechat official account.


terminal_sn and terminal_key (your server can be viewed as a terminal in this case) are required to sign each of your WAP API request. To get your terminal_sn and terminal_key, your service needs to initiate an activation request once and only once for each terminal. Please refer to our documentation for detailed explanation of the activation process.

API Target


Request Method


Accessing by using 302 jump https://qr.shouqianba.com/gateway?QUERY

Request Parameters

Field Description Type Required Note Example
terminal_sn Terminal serial number String(32) Y Represents a unique identifier of a Upay terminal; returned in responses for requesting activation or check-in; number string no longer than 32 characters. "23420593829"
client_sn Order serial number in client system String(32) Y Must be unique in client system; no longer than 32 characters. "18348290098298292838"
total_amount Total amount of the order in cents String(10) Y Number string no longer than 10 characters; please use bank transfer for larger amount. "1000"
subject Subject or brief summary of the transaction String(64) Y No longer than 64 characters "pizza"
payway Payment service provider String N See "Payway" in "Appendix" section. Default is "3" (Wechat) "3"
operator Operator of the transaction String(32) Y "Obama"
description Detailed description of the transaction String(255) N No longer than 255 characters "Chicago style pizza, extra cheese"
longitude Longitude of the transaction location String N Must be used simultaneously with latitude "121.615459404"
latitude Latitude of the transaction location String N Must be used simultaneously with longitude "31.4056441552"
extended Extended paramters String(256) N Special parameters that will be passed along to payment providers by Upay server. 24 fields at most, with keys no longer than 64 characters and values no longer than 256 characters.
goods_details Description of the goods String N The String of json array, the field in json see goods_details "[{\"goods_id\": \"wx001\",\"goods_name\": \"mac pro\",\"quantity\": 1,\"price\": 2,\"promotion_type\": 0},{\"goods_id\":\"wx002\",\"goods_name\":\"tesla\",\"quantity\": 1,\"price\": 2,\"promotion_type\": 1}]"
reflect Reflect parameter String(64) N Anything that the client wants Upay server to send back. Can be used by client's ERP system to relate to its own order or to integrate with any additional business process. "{ \"tips\": \"200\" }"
notify_url Callback URL String(128) N If provided, Upay server will also send payment result to the callback URL. If payment succeeds, callbacks will be carried out in 1s, 5s, 30s, and 600s. This callback serves only as a fallback when query API is not available, and should not replace query as a method to get latest payment result. "https://www.shouqianba.com"
return_url The URL you wish to load when the payment process finishes. String(128) Y This is the URL which Wechat client app will load after customer confirm their payment. "https://www.shouqianba.com"
sign Request signature String(32) Y See "Request Signature" in "Appendix" section

Description of goods_details in request parameters

Parameter Data Type Length Required Description Example
goods_id String 32 Y The serial number of goods The number starts with "69" in China generally
goods_name String 32 Y The name of the goods "ipad"
quantity Number 10 Y The number of the goods 10
price Number 9 Y Commodity price in cents 2000
promotion_type Number 1 Y Preferential type,
0 represents no discount and WOSAI will ingnore the information,
1 represents payment institution discount and WOSAI will process and send the information to the payment institution

Return URL Callback Parameters

  • After the WAP payment process finishes, Upay will ask the web browser to redirect back to the URL which is specified by return_url in previous request, with additional callback parameters containing the payment result .

  • Please use query result or the callback result received in your notify_url as final payment result. The result in the return URL callback parameters should be deemed as an intermediate payment result .

  • Polling time should be 100-120 seconds, the interval between each query should be once every 2 seconds in the first 30 seconds,and then once every 5 seconds .

Field Description Type Required Note Example
is_success Request acknowledgement String(1) Y Represents whether Upay server accepts this request; does not represent transaction result "T"
error_code Error code String N Returned only when is_success is "F" See "Error Codes" in "Appendix" section
error_message Error message String N Returned only when is_success is "F" See "Error Codes" in "Appendix" section
terminal_sn Terminal serial number String(32) Y Represents a unique identifier of a Upay terminal; returned in responses for requesting activation or check-in; number string no longer than 32 characters. "23420593829"
sn Upay order serial number String(16) Y Unique order serial number in Upay system "7892259488292938"
trade_no Order number in payment service provider system String(64) Y Used by payment service provider to identify its own order "2013112011001004330000121536"
client_sn Order serial number in client system String(32) Y Must be unique in client system; no longer than 32 characters. "18348290098298292838"
status The latest transaction status String N Represents whether the transaction succeeds "SUCCESS"
result_code Result code of transaction String(64) N Returned only when status is "FAIL" See "Result Codes" in "Appendix" section
result_message Result message of transaction String N Returned only when status is "FAIL" See "Result Codes" in "Appendix" section
total_amount Total amount of the order in cents String(10) Y Number string no longer than 10 characters; please use bank transfer for larger amount. "1000"
subject Subject or brief summary of the transaction String(64) Y No longer than 64 characters "pizza"
operator Operator of the transaction String(32) Y "Obama"
reflect Reflect parameter String(64) N Anything that the client wants Upay server to send back. Can be used by client's ERP system to relate to its own order or to integrate with any additional business process. { "tips" : "100"}
sign Request signature String(32) Y See "Request Signature" in "Appendix" section



Value Definition
1 Alipay
3 Wechat
6 QQ

Error Codes

error_code error_message
CLIENT_SN_CONFLICT client_sn在系统中已存在
UPAY_CANCEL_ORDER_NOOP 无效操作,订单已经是撤单状态了
UPAY_REFUND_ORDER_NOOP 无效操作,本次退款退款已经完成了

Result Codes

result_code result_message Explanation
get_brand_wcpay_request:ok get_brand_wcpay_request:ok Payment succeeded
get_brand_wcpay_request:fail get_brand_wcpay_request:fail Payment failed
get_brand_wcpay_request:cancel get_brand_wcpay_request:cancel Payment canceled by customer


Generally, any result code other than get_brand_wcpay_request:ok can be treated as a failed payment.

Request Signature


The following steps explains how to generate request signature:

  1. Filter

    Make a copy of all your request parameters, remove sign, sign_type and any field that is of raw type (such as file byte stream) from the copy.

  2. Sort

    Sort the parameters you get from step 1 by the first letter of the key into ascending alphabetic (ASCII) order. If the first letter of two or more parameter keys are the same, then sort these parameters using the second letter of the keys and so on.

  3. Concatenate

    Format the sorted parameters into key-value pairs like key=value then concatenate these pairs with & into a string;

    Append &key={your_terminal_key} at the end of the string;

    Generate an MD5 digest (all uppercase) of the string, and the digest is your request signature.


For request paramter as follows:

    "terminal_sn": "123",
    "client_sn": "abc",
    "total_amount": "1"

Sort the parameters and concatenate them into the following string:

paramStr = "client_sn=abc&terminal_sn=123&total_amount=1"

Append your terminal key (e.g. "19b820737ace6937a7808c") at the end:

packageStr = paramStr + "&key=19b820737ace6937a7808c"

Generate request signature:

sign = md5(packageStr).toUppercase()

Additional Notes

Please use redirect (302) to visit https://qr.shouqianba.com/gateway inside the built-in browser of Wechat client app.


    $paramsStr = "client_sn=test&operator=TEST&return_url=test&subject=TEST&terminal_sn=test&total_amount=3";
    $sign = strtoupper(md5($paramsStr.'&key=test'));
    $paramsStr = $paramsStr."&sign=".$sign;


results matching ""

    No results matching ""