
After a certain amount of time after the order is paid, the client can issue a revoke request to ask for a full refund and avoid any service fee. The actual logic is the same as cancel, but it serves for a different purpose.

API Target


Request Paramters

Parameter Description Data Type Required Note Example
terminal_sn Terminal serial number String(32) Y Represents a unique identifier of a Upay terminal; returned in responses for requesting activation or check-in; number string no longer than 32 characters. "00101010029201012912"
sn Upay order serial number String(16) N Unique order serial number in Upay system "7892259488292938"
client_sn Order serial number in client system String(32) N Must be unique in client system; no longer than 32 characters. "18348290098298292838"
Note: Either sn or client_sn must be presented in the request, otherwise the request is invalid; if both are presented, sn will be used to identify the order.

Response Paramters

All following parameters refer to the fields in biz_response

Parameter Description Data Type Required Note Example
result_code Request result code String Y Result code of business response "CANCEL_SUCCESS"
error_code Error code of business response String N See "Business Response Error Codes and Messages" "UPAY_TCP_ORDER_NOT_REFUNDABLE"
error_message Error message of business response String N See "Business Response Error Codes and Messages" "订单7894259244061958参与了活动并且无法撤销"
terminal_sn Terminal serial number of the transaction String(32) Y Used by Upay to identify a unique terminal "01939202039923029"
sn Upay order serial number String(16) Y Unique order serial number in Upay system "7892259488292938"
client_sn Order serial number in client system String(32) Y Used by client to identify its own order "7654321132"
trade_no Order number in payment service provider system String(64) Y Used by payment service provider to identify its own order "2013112011001004330000121536"
status The latest transaction status String(32) Y "SUCCESS"
order_status The latest order status String(32) Y "PAID"
payway Payment service provider String(32) Y Appendix-Payment Service Providers "3"
payway_name Payment service provider name String(128) Y "微信"
total_amount Total amount of the order in cents String(10) Y "10000"
net_amount Net amount of the order (the actual amount seller receives) in cents String(10) Y Equals to total amount if the order has not been refunded, otherwise equals to total amount - refund amount "0"
subject Subject or brief summary of the transaction String(64) Y "Pizza"
finish_time Transaction finish time in Upay system String(13) Y Unix Timestamp in milliseconds "1449646835244"
channel_finish_time Transaction finish time in payment service provider's system String(13) Y Unix Timestamp in milliseconds "1449646835244"
operator Operator of the transaction String(32) Y "Peter"

Response Example - Failed

    "result_code": "200",
    "biz_response": {
        "result_code": "CANCEL_ERROR",
        "error_code": "UPAY_TCP_ORDER_NOT_REFUNDABLE",
        "error_message": "订单7894259244061958参与了活动并且无法撤销"

Questions & Answers

1. When to call revoke after the order has been completed?

Only works in the day of payment.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""