Upay Web API
Upay offers a set of simple yet flexible and powerful Web APIs that can help you manage your Upay terminals and making mobile transactions. Upay Web API supports all major mobile service providers in China mainland market, including Wechat Pay, Alipay, QQ Wallet, Baidu Wallet and JD Wallet and also Wechat Pay and Alipay in Hong Kong and other countries and regions. So by integrating a single set of APIs, client applications can dynamically support new mobile payment services with no or very little development cost.
Upay Terminal APIs
These APIs help client applications activate and check-in their terminals to support secure communications between terminals and Upay servers. Also, for debugging and improving service quality, we provide an optional log upload API.
Upay Transaction APIs
By implementing business processes based on transaction APIs, client applications can support both online and offline mobile transaction scenarios.